
介绍 to Cognitive Behavior Therapy Tutorial


Welcome to our new CBT tutorial!

In this tutorial I will be offering an introductory review of the nuts & 认知行为疗法.

The material that I present is not intended as a replacement for didactic training and ongoing supervision by a qualified CBT educator.

Cognitive behavior therapy is an empirically supported treatment approach for a myriad of disorders and presenting complaints (e.g., 临床抑郁症, 焦虑性障碍, 药物滥用, 慢性疼痛管理, 戒烟, 体重管理, 饮食失调). Much has been written and disseminated in the last several decades in the form of excellent textbooks, textbooks with accompanying video demonstrations, websites and disorder-specific workbooks.

The purpose of creating this web site is to offer trainees and professionals, interested in the basics of cognitive behavior therapy, an additional opportunity to access straightforward, 实用, clinically helpful information. Over the years I have compiled learner-friendly material including worksheets, 摘要施舍, explanations and rationales for interventions. 除了, I have also created video vignettes based on real patient sessions to aid in illustrating a variety of therapeutic skills and techniques. This tutorial is composed of a series of presentations that have been recorded on video. These presentations are divided up into modules which are listed on the CBT模块 页面.

I hope that you find this tutorial informative and useful as an educational supplement and for clinical training and service delivery purposes. Please feel free to provide feedback about this site and perhaps share some valuable training or clinical material of your own. We would love to hear from you!


Robbi Tanenbaum Saletsky, Ph.D.
推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Medical University