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Patient Referrals

As an outside physician, you may encounter patients who need additional care on an emergent basis. The physicians at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件's Pediatric Emergency Department would be happy to evaluate any patient you feel needs emergent care. Please call our emergency department at 315 464-5613 and ask to speak with the attending physician. Your call will be taken as soon as possible. Please be prepared with as much information as possible including:

  • 患者姓名
  • 病人的年龄
  • History of present illness
  • Physical exam including recent vital signs (if possible)
  • Provisional diagnosis
  • NPO status if appropriate
  • Any treatment given (if possible)
  • Mode of transport
  • On-call number if you would like a call back

Please instruct your patients to present to the registration window upon arrival. 从那里, they will be triaged and brought back to an examination room as available depending upon the severity of their illness. Being an emergency department, there may be times when other patients with more critical illnesses are evaluated ahead of those referred. Please inform your patients they may have to wait but will be evaluated as soon as possible.

Once a diagnosis and disposition has been arranged for your patient, you will receive a call back if it is requested. The physicians at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件's Pediatric Emergency Department thank you for entrusting us with the care of your patients.